Understanding Blue Light: Protecting Vision - Preserving Health

In a world increasingly centered on digital screens, the effects of blue light on our eyes are becoming more prominent. While blue light naturally exists in sunlight, the concentrated exposure we get from screens is unique, creating strain that our eyes aren’t naturally equipped to handle.

- Research shows that blue light may contribute to eye strain, headaches, and disrupted sleep cycles, affecting energy levels and overall well-being. At SQRL™, we’re addressing this growing concern head-on. Our blue light glasses are designed to filter out excess blue light, easing eye strain while supporting comfortable screen time. With SQRL™, you’re not just investing in a pair of glasses—you’re joining a mission to protect eye health and raise awareness about digital strain.


Retinal Damage:

- Research shows that blue light wavelengths between 415 and 455 nanometers are among the most damaging to eye cells, particularly those in the retina. Prolonged exposure can increase the risk of macular degeneration, which can lead to vision impairment over time (Review of Optometry).

Circadian Disruption and Cancer:

- Studies indicate that nighttime exposure to blue light disrupts melatonin production, which is critical for regulating sleep cycles. This disruption can impact cancer treatment effectiveness, especially in breast cancer patients, as reduced melatonin levels can decrease tumor sensitivity to treatments like tamoxifen (Review of Optometry).

Increased Daily Exposure:

- With the prevalence of digital screens, today’s young adults and children face more blue light exposure than any previous generation, which poses potential risks to their vision and sleep cycles due to the intensity and frequency of screen use (Harvard Health, Review of Optometry).


Whether you’re working, studying, or simply scrolling, trust SQRL™ to reduce exposure and elevate comfort. With us, you’re choosing more than eyewear—you’re investing in vision wellness.

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